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Educational Tri-Fold

This educational tri-fold was designed to demonstrate my ability to lay out a clean and modern print piece. I have a lot of experience laying out various print materials at my workplace, however I cannot share that work on my portfolio.


I love learning about nature, so I wanted to design a tri-fold that could educate readers about sea life. I used copy from the "Twlight Zone" webpage posted by The California Academy of Sciences to demonstrate how I could leverage a set group of copy into a clean and beautiful print piece. I used DinPro regular 11/11 for the body copy, and DinCondensed Bold for the various headlines and call out text. I chose an orange background (which was taken from the octopus photograph) to go behind the copy to help draw the reader's attention to information, and I used a 50% tint of a yellow (pulled from the octopus) for the headline and pull quote.

When given the opportunity, I love to create designs with breathing space, striking visuals, and copy that is easy to read; all together forming a piece that draws the reader in, and makes them want to read the information. This piece is strictly for design practice/portfolio showcasing, and the copy was written by The California Academy of Sciences.

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