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Foster Finder Design

This design was born from my senior capstone class at UC Davis, Design for Understanding. The final for this class was a group project where we were instructed to create a design for something that either doesn't exist, or the existing design needs to be revamped. 

My group (composed of Zoe D'Esposito, Nicki Padar, and myself) decided to create a single resource to help people find pets in need of foster. This idea was born out of my frustration with my own cat fostering endeavors. A similar version of this design exists, however it is for pets in need of adoption ( The current system of advertising pets who need foster occurs via email, therefore it is difficult for everyone who wants this information to have access to it. 

The idea for our site is essentially a single place for people to post and search for pets in need of foster. Additionally, it includes resources for people to learn more about what its like to be a foster, advice forums, and foster parent applications from local shelters.

Our prototype was created on Wix, and therefore the real search engine does not work, however the site as a whole examplifies how we would hope the real version to work.

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