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Editorial Design

This design was an assignment for my senior capstone class at UC Davis; Message Campaign Design. The assignment was to write a 2500 word editorial about the topic of our group campaign (ours was cruelty-free cosmetics). Each group member had to have the exact same photos and text as their partners, but a completely different page design based off of an existing magazine. The magazine I based my layout off of was Glamour. 

One aspect of this assignment was that the copy and photographs had to be created entirely by us; so that's what we did. Megan and I were responsible for writing the content, and Sarah edited it. We all participated in the photography, then collaborated to decide which photos would make the cut. 

Next came the layout; which had to fit comfortably into two spreads as part of the assignment. Because our editorial had so many lists, our professor suggested to me that I design my spreads to be fold-out, allowing for more space. In the end, my mounted piece was selected to be one of the display pieces in the design hall. 

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