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Nitrogen Cycle Infographic Poster

This Nitrogen Cycle poster was a self-initiated project that I worked on to showcase my ability to design a simple and easy to understand educational piece. I am very passionate about my hobby of fish keeping, and the knowledge of the nitrogen cycle in aquariums is something that is very important for new fish keepers to understand. Whenever I explain the nitrogen cycle to a non fish-keeper, they tend to get overwhelmed by all of the information. Because of this, I have always thought that if I could create a visual representation of the cycle, it would really help people get a surface level understanding of the cycle.

I love learning and educating others about science and animals, so this infographic was definitely something that I created out of this passion of mine. This piece is an 11x17 printed poster; I created it as a poster so it could be displayed in pet stores and aquariums to educate people about the Nitrogen Cycle. This could also be converted to a pamphlet handout, or viewed online depending on the needs of the educator.


I drew all illustrations myself on Adobe Illustrator, and I created/wrote the flowchart myself using the existing knowledge I have accumulated throughout my fish keeping hobby.

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