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Mock Announcement Flyer

This mock announcement for the "Photosynthesis Exhibit" (which I made up) was designed to demonstrate my ability to lay out a print piece that utilizes various levels of typographic hierarchy. I have a lot of experience laying out various print materials at my workplace, but cannot share that work on my portfolio.


This piece is a 5.5x8.5 printed flyer that is advertising the opening of a new exhibit. This exhibit is one that I made up for portfolio purposes, so I wrote some of the copy, but left the various lectures and lecture descriptions as lorem ipsum filler text.


The font I used for this flyer is Gotham Light for the body copy, and Gotham Bold for the various headers. At the top of the flyer, I placed a dark green with slight transparency over a beautiful photograph of fern plants. My intention here was to draw the reader's eyes to the header first, so they could read what exactly the flyer is about. I then chose a bright, yet earthy green (eye dropped from the fern) to help bring hierarchy to the headings and subheads of the various lectures. I ended the flyer with another photograph of a beautiful fern plant. I chose this photograph because the positioning of the leaves helps direct the readers eyes to the main content of the flyer.

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